We Can Do This

As we brace for what promises to be an all-out assault on our children’s public schools from politicians in both Washington, DC and Harrisburg, we must remember that our grassroots people power has successfully defended our children and their public schools before,...

Trump’s appalling pick for Secretary of Education

Donald Trump’s pick of billionaire Betsy DeVos to run the US Department of Education signals that the Trump administration will be focused on privatizing public education instead of on strengthening our public schools or expanding opportunities for all students....

What’s Next?

The recent national election portends a significant shift in the direction of federal education policy in the United States and raises serious concerns for those of us who care about equity and an opportunity to learn for all students. Our work has never been more...

Governing the School District of Philadelphia

There is a conversation happening in the City around the issue of local control of the School District of Philadelphia, and moving away from a state run district. It is virtually inarguable that the state controlled School Reform Commission has not solved the issues...