Tell PA lawmakers: Arm schools with resources, not guns

While students have been building a powerful and inspiring movement to end gun violence in schools, PA lawmakers have been laying the groundwork to vote on legislation that would militarize school buildings and allow teachers to carry concealed weapons. Click HERE to...

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Let PA students have their day in court

Five months ago the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the courts can get involved in school funding issues and remanded PA’s school funding lawsuit back to Commonwealth Court for a full trial. Ever since that decision, Republican leaders in Harrisburg have worked...

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Roving bands of volunteer militias in PA’s public schools?

Following the tragic slaughter of 17 people at Stoneman Douglas High School, both the PA Senate and House Education Committees will be holding hearings on school safety. These are open to the public. If you can come, you should. This will demonstrate to lawmakers that...

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We will stop school vouchers from coming to PA

As we enter 2018, the PA legislature is picking up where it left off on its attack on our children’s public schools. Before the holidays, Republican leaders rigged the membership of the Senate Education Committee in hopes that it will now have enough votes to pass...

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The Republican tax bill’s assault on public education

At 2:00 am on Saturday morning, 51 US Senators voted to pass the Republican tax bill, a 479-page document that was so hastily written it had illegible policy changes scrawled in the margins. Senators were given the bill on Friday evening and told that they would have...

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2017-2018 Budget Wrap-Up

In Harrisburg, almost four months late, lawmakers finally completed the 2017-2018 PA budget. In June, our legislature were happy to pass a $32 billion spending plan that protected programs and services important to their constituents, including a $100 million increase...

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PA schoolchildren will have their day in court!

On Thursday, September 28th, the PA Supreme Court issued a landmark decision. It ordered the Commonwealth Court to hold a full trial on PA's school funding lawsuit.  The Court agreed with the plaintiffs that education funding should be subject to judicial review. They...

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Senate rejects House budget, PA’s credit downgraded

Your phone calls and emails made a difference. On Wednesday, Sept. 20th, in an overwhelming display of bipartisanship, the PA Senate voted 43-7 NOT to concur with the irresponsible PA House Republican revenue plan. The House GOP plan did not contain recurring revenues...

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Guns Don’t Belong in Schools

Susan Spicka, Executive Director of Education Voters of PA, made the following comments at a press conference in the Harrisburg Capitol on September 12, 2017, where she joined PA Secretary of Education, Pedro Rivera, and representatives from the Education Law Center,...

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