Tuesday’s Election

As Pennsylvanians continue to process what Tuesday’s election will mean for our public schools and communities, our team is holding close the vulnerable students and their families who would be impacted by actions aimed at rescinding key civil rights protections in...

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A New School Year, An Election, And A Season Of Advocacy

As the summer sun sets and we transition into a new school year, we’re gearing up for an exciting and impactful season of advocacy. We recently wrapped up our annual in-person retreat with our partners in the PA Schools Work coalition, leaving with a strong plan to...

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The good, the bad, and the ugly in the 2024-2025 state budget

On Thursday, July 11th, after a flurry of activity, the state budget and school code were passed by the PA House and Senate and signed into law by the governor. We are so proud of advocates’ work in every corner of the commonwealth that has contributed to this...

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A cyber charter’s flagrant disregard for transparency

With the June 30th state budget deadline looming, negotiations in Harrisburg are heating up. Lawmakers return to the Capitol on Monday and are scheduled to be in session every day through June 30th. Advocates in every corner of the commonwealth have been working hard...

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It was a BIG week in Harrisburg

A lot happened in Harrisburg this week. On Tuesday, the Senate Education Committee passed Senate Bill 795, a private school voucher bill that would provide cash handouts to families to pay for their children's private education. All Republicans on the committee...

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A Big Week In Harrisburg!

A lot happened in Harrisburg this week. On Tuesday, May 7, the Senate Education Committee passed Senate Bill 795, a private school voucher bill that would provide cash handouts to families to pay for their children's private education.  All Republicans on the...

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Pennsylvanians for Welcoming and Inclusive Schools

Ed Voters is a proud partner of the Pennsylvanians for Welcoming and Inclusive Schools (PA WInS) coalition, which includes the Education Law Center, ACLU-PA, Disability Rights-PA, the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association, and many other valued partners. PA...

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Our Testimony: School Vouchers Fund and Fuel Hate

I was honored to have been invited to speak at the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on the Basic Education Funding Commission Report at the Chester County Intermediate Unit on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. I chose to focus my remarks on private school vouchers....

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