What if PA Legislature provided $55M in new Basic Education Funding?
Mythbusting PA’s EITC/OSTC Programs
PA lawmakers to consider Betsy DeVos Vouchers on Steroids
On Wednesday, May 24 at 9:00 am, the PA House and Senate Education Committees will be holding a joint public hearing about "education savings accounts" or ESAs. Education Savings Accounts are Betsy DeVos vouchers on steroids. They are an underhanded attempt to...
Trumpcare savages funding for students with disabilities
Yesterday 217 Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and the protections it offers to millions of Americans. In order to pay for tax cuts for households earning over $250,000/year, these Congressmen (including 9 from...
Did your rep. support the charter school lobby’s wish list?
On Tuesday, April 25th, the PA House passed HB 97 by a vote of 108-84. Click HERE to learn if your state representative supported or opposed HB 97. Ten Republicans and 74 Democrats voted against the bill. If your lawmaker opposed HB 97, please take a minute to make a...
PA House Poised to Ram Through Horrible Charter Bill
We need your help to stop HB 97. The PA House may vote on this deeply flawed charter school legislation next week, as early as Monday, April 24th. We had hoped that the PA House would work toward charter reform that would protect taxpayers and students and improve...
Tell your PA lawmakers to keep guns out of our public schools
UPDATE: SB 383 passed out of the Senate Education Committee and is scheduled for a vote in the full Senate on Tuesday, June 28th. On Wednesday, April 19th at 9:30 am, the PA Senate Education Committee will meet in Harrisburg. They will not be discussing how to...
HB 97: Charter Reform that is Not Worth the 20-Year Wait
UPDATE: On April 25th, the PA House passed HB 97 by a vote of 108-84. It has been 20 years since the law that established charter schools in PA was enacted. Significant flaws in this charter school law have surfaced over the past two decades and legislators are now...
A stunning priority in the PA House budget
Advancing the Betsy DeVos school privatization agenda has emerged as a top budget priority for PA House members, even though this will provide very little or no benefit to the communities many rural lawmakers represent. On a near party-line vote of 114-84, the PA...
A budget that puts students last
President Trump's recently proposed budget slashes $9 billion, or 14%, from the Department of Education, while increasing funding for “school choice,” by $1.4 billion. It comes as no surprise that Trump’s proposed cuts fall hardest on programs that benefit low-income...
Did your state rep’s vote make Betsy DeVos proud?
Budgets are about priorities and yesterday 147 members of the PA House made it clear that funding scholarships for students to attend unaccountable private/religious schools is one of their top budget priorities this year. They made school privatizer Betsy DeVos...
Our response to Senator Eichelberger’s recent town hall comments
We were deeply disappointed to read recent comments that newly-appointed Senate Education Committee Chair, Senator John Eichelberger, made at a town hall meeting in central Pennsylvania. The Carlisle Sentinel reported that Sen. Eichelberger had this to say about...
Our statement on Governor Wolf’s 2017-2018 budget proposal
Susan Spicka, Executive Director of Education Voters of PA, made the following statement about Governor Wolf’s 2017-2018 budget proposal: We recognize that this is a difficult budget year and are encouraged by Governor Wolf’s continued commitment to taking...
$100M in Waste and Inefficiency & Segregation by Disability: It’s Time to #FixSpecialEdFunding
As Pennsylvanians rally to stop Betsy DeVos from becoming Secretary of Education (and Senator Pat Toomey tries his hardest to ignore us), we are working with a coalition of parents, disability rights advocates, faith leaders, and advocacy groups to build public...
We Can Do This
As we brace for what promises to be an all-out assault on our children’s public schools from politicians in both Washington, DC and Harrisburg, we must remember that our grassroots people power has successfully defended our children and their public schools before,...
Trump’s appalling pick for Secretary of Education
Donald Trump’s pick of billionaire Betsy DeVos to run the US Department of Education signals that the Trump administration will be focused on privatizing public education instead of on strengthening our public schools or expanding opportunities for all students....
What’s Next?
The recent national election portends a significant shift in the direction of federal education policy in the United States and raises serious concerns for those of us who care about equity and an opportunity to learn for all students. Our work has never been more...
Governing the School District of Philadelphia
There is a conversation happening in the City around the issue of local control of the School District of Philadelphia, and moving away from a state run district. It is virtually inarguable that the state controlled School Reform Commission has not solved the issues...
Charter schools shouldn’t profit off students with disabilities
State lawmakers widely acknowledge that Pennsylvania's charter school law is flawed, outdated, and must be revised. Nevertheless, year after year, Harrisburg has failed to fix its own broken charter school law. Lawmakers have failed to protect taxpayers, they have...
Now We Wait
Yesterday, the PA Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the school funding lawsuit. The courtroom was packed with parents, advocates, faith leaders, school and elected officials, and community members from throughout the Commonwealth. Supporters who believe...