Share your school’s story

This week the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) and Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) released their annual survey of Pennsylvania's public schools. This report demonstrates what parents and community members who care...

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Tell lawmakers to fund our schools

Pennsylvania’s school funding crisis is an urgent problem that must be addressed this year. Our children get only one opportunity to receive the education that they will need to be successful students in school today and productive citizens in the Commonwealth...

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We have a formula (great news)! Now what?

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Legislature voted to permanently adopt the fair funding formula that we supported along with our allies from the Campaign for Fair Education Funding.  Governor Wolf has said he will sign this into law. This is excellent news and we have...

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One Win, Many Losses and Finally A Finished State Budget

On Friday last week, Governor Wolf announced that the Fiscal Code, the final piece of budget legislation for 2015-2016, would become law without his signature. This brings the 2015-2016 budget to a close. The Win The Fiscal Code contains language that distributes new...

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End Harrisburg’s School Funding Hunger Games

Over the past five years, Harrisburg has mastered the art of pitting school districts, parents, and students against each other in order to draw attention away from the damage their policies and the lack of adequate state education funding have inflicted on children,...

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Enough is Enough. The Courts Must Intervene.

What is happening with the school funding lawsuit? On November 10, 2014, six school districts, the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, the NAACP – PA State Conference, and families whose children attend under-funded and under-resourced schools filed a...

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We Want to Hear From You!

Over the past months, we have asked you to make your voices heard regarding the Pennsylvania budget and the importance of adequate, fair state funding for public schools. Now, we would like you to tell us how we can best support your interest in public education...

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How can we get a fair budget for children?

Budgets are about priorities and we are very encouraged that making progress on fixing Pennsylvania’s inequitable and inadequate state funding system remains a top priority for Governor Wolf, in spite of the stiff resistance he has met from many lawmakers in...

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Our Response to Governor Wolf’s Budget Address

Susan Spicka, Advocacy Coordinator for Education Voters of PA, issued the following statement regarding Governor Wolf’s budget address: Budgets are about priorities. We are very encouraged that making progress on fixing Pennsylvania’s inequitable and inadequate state...

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Money Matters: How increased supports improve education

Money Matters. The reality is that money matters. Targeted funding directed at instructional practices that are supported by evidence can have dramatic impacts. Money impacts class size, which matters, especially in the early grades. Giving teachers smaller...

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