Let’s be optimistic and see what happens!

Let's be optimistic and see what happens! Budget vote set for Wednesday It is no secret that Pennsylvania's budget has been a mess for a while now. We have a $2.2B deficit.  We have experienced credit downgrades over past 5 years, costing taxpayers tens of millions...

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Tell your state legislators that we need a bi-partisan budget!

Not Another Bad Budget - we can't take it! Right now, in Harrisburg, the General Assembly is proposing another Bad Budget. What is a Bad Budget?  It is one that doesn’t restore funding for education and start to get us on a course to make substantial investments in...

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Tell your State Senator to oppose Senate Bill 6!

Click here to oppose SB 6! The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill 6, a bill that purports to help the lowest performing schools in the Commonwealth, but is really little more than a state takeover and charter school conversion bill all...

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Basic Education Funding Releases Commission Report

Basic Education Funding Commission releases report The fundamental key to school funding is student learning: enough resources and fairness, which means providing every child a chance to learn and meet state standards. The key to fixing school funding is having a...

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