Tell your state legislators that we need a bi-partisan budget!

Not Another Bad Budget - we can't take it! Right now, in Harrisburg, the General Assembly is proposing another Bad Budget. What is a Bad Budget?  It is one that doesn’t restore funding for education and start to get us on a course to make substantial investments in...

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Tell your State Senator to oppose Senate Bill 6!

Click here to oppose SB 6! The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill 6, a bill that purports to help the lowest performing schools in the Commonwealth, but is really little more than a state takeover and charter school conversion bill all...

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Basic Education Funding Releases Commission Report

Basic Education Funding Commission releases report The fundamental key to school funding is student learning: enough resources and fairness, which means providing every child a chance to learn and meet state standards. The key to fixing school funding is having a...

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Write a Letter to the Editor

Write a Letter to the Editor TIPS ON WRITING A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor are responses to either a current event or a recent article you read. They are a way for you to share your opinion to your community. Below are tips on how to write and submit a...

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Changing PA’s Charter Law: What Is At Stake In SB 1085?

After 17 years, the PA legislature is considering making major changes to Pennsylvania’s charter school law.  Improvements to the law are long overdue, but unfortunately, the legislation in the Senate (SB 1085) will not improve PA’s charter school law. Instead, it...

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Visit Your Legislator at Their Local District Office

Visit Your Legislator at Their Local District Office A Step-by-Step Guide to Meeting with Legislators Step 1 - Identify your state legislators: Find your legislator - just enter your address information. You can click on their name for more information, including...

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January 2015 Call to Action for Education

Final_Flyer_January_21_Call_to_Action.pdf Click HERE for tips on How to Call Your Legislator. This Wednesday, January 21 is the first Call to Action for Education day of the new administration. It is the first day that our new governor and state lawmakers will all be...

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It is time for a new era for education in Philadelphia

Take Action It is time for a new era for education in Philadelphia The Mayor and City Council are, at this moment, engaged in what is happening at the School District of Philadelphia in a way that we haven't seen in a long time, maybe longer.  They are talking about...

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