Tell your lawmakers to ensure that the budget deal includes $410 million for schools…
Tell your lawmakers to ensure that the budget deal includes $410 million for schools and adopts the Basic Education Funding Commission's formula. It is clear that the only thing that will force lawmakers to move their positions is MORE public pressure and direct...
Tell state lawmakers to support a reasonable revenue package in the budget
Tell state lawmakers to support a reasonable revenue package in the budget There is finally real movement on the budget in Harrisburg and it is time for us to act. On Wednesday, October 7, members of the PA House will make a choice when they vote on a revenue package...
Let’s be optimistic and see what happens!
Let's be optimistic and see what happens! Budget vote set for Wednesday It is no secret that Pennsylvania's budget has been a mess for a while now. We have a $2.2B deficit. We have experienced credit downgrades over past 5 years, costing taxpayers tens of millions...
Lawmakers need to put money where their mouths are on school funding – Penn Live – Sept. 18, 2015
Group applauds PDE for ESEA waiver – The Sentinel – Sept. 16, 2015
Further analysis of proposal to convert 100% of York City Schools to charter schools needed
The York City School Board is considering a proposal to convert 100% of York City schools to charter schools. This is an extremely large scale and risky proposal that leaves the York City School District children and taxpayers at risk and the process is taking place...
A budget impasse, the public weighs in, PSSA results, and a really important election this year
A budget impasse, the public weighs in, PSSA results, and a really important election this year The budget is still not done, so schools are still not funded – the impasse continues; the Auditor General weighs in and the public has some opinions about it too. New PSSA...
Education Voters of Pennsylvania applauds Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver
September 9, 2015 Education Voters of Pennsylvania applauds Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver, which pauses the use of new PSSA scores to calculate School Performance Profile scores and teacher effectiveness evaluations Harrisburg...
Important meeting in Chester-Upland TONIGHT about local school funding
Important meeting in Chester-Upland TONIGHT about local school funding. There is an important community meeting about local school funding tonight, at 6 pm at Chester High School. Can you attend to support Governor Wolf's proposal for a fair short term solution to a...
Public urged to contact political leaders about Pennsylvania budget – Centre Daily Times – July 30, 2015
Lawmakers ‘put drillers before our students,’ official says at education rally – LeHigh Valley Live – July 29, 2015
Find out how you can call your lawmakers and ask them to go back to Harrisburg to pass a budget that is good for all of PA’s students
Click here to find out how you can call your lawmakers and ask them to go back to Harrisburg to pass a budget that is good for all of PA's students. Please call your your state lawmakers and ask them to: Go back to Harrisburg to pass a budget that begins to solve...
Engaging Parent Quickly and Easily (for Superintendents and Principals)
CLICK HERE for a PDF version of this document. For the 2013-14 budget year, a broad coalition of organizations, school stakeholders, education professionals, parents and community members are calling on the state legislature to: - Restore the nearly $1 billion in...
Budget must take aim at education – The Sentinel – July 9, 2015
Put Heat on Your Lawmakers to Pass a Budget that Funds Our Schools
Put Heat on Your Lawmakers to Pass a Budget that Funds Our Schools Budget talks are stalled in Harrisburg. Last week, Governor Wolf kept his promise to fight for fair funding for PA’s public schools and vetoed the Republican budget that would have continued to...
Write a letter to the editor in support of Governor Wolf’s budget
Write a letter to the editor in support of Governor Wolf's budget, which will get school funding back on track in PA!
Tell your state legislators that we need a bi-partisan budget!
Not Another Bad Budget - we can't take it! Right now, in Harrisburg, the General Assembly is proposing another Bad Budget. What is a Bad Budget? It is one that doesn’t restore funding for education and start to get us on a course to make substantial investments in...
Tell your State Senator to oppose Senate Bill 6!
Click here to oppose SB 6! The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill 6, a bill that purports to help the lowest performing schools in the Commonwealth, but is really little more than a state takeover and charter school conversion bill all...
Basic Education Funding Releases Commission Report
Basic Education Funding Commission releases report The fundamental key to school funding is student learning: enough resources and fairness, which means providing every child a chance to learn and meet state standards. The key to fixing school funding is having a...
Support cyber charter school funding reform that would save our school districts more than $160 million!
Support cyber charter school funding reform that would save our school districts more than $160 million and allow them to reinvest this money into our schools to restore programs and services that have been cut in recent years. Right now, legislators in Harrisburg are...