ACT NOW to prevent catastrophic cuts to your local public schools
This week we learned the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on our public schools. The Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) estimates that school districts will lose between $850 million to $1.07 billion in local revenue alone in the...
Take Action: Tell your members of Congress to provide more federal funding to school districts
Please send a letter to your members of Congress asking them to support additional, robust federal aid to school districts in the next phase of emergency COVID-19 legislation.
To help all students, PA needs to establish a remote learning task force
It has been just over a week since Governor Wolf announced that schools would be closed for the rest of the academic year. This has brought sadness and a deep sense of loss to students, families, and educators.
Thank you PA educators, parents, and volunteers!
In every corner of the commonwealth school administrators, teachers, and staff along with parents and community volunteers have come together to support Pennsylvania's students in countless different ways. These challenging times are showing the vital importance of...
PA legislature passes emergency school code legislation
On Wednesday, March 25th, the PA House and Senate passed emergency legislation that provides clarity and certainty for Pennsylvania’s educational system as school officials face unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 school closures. This legislation keeps...
Extended school closures lay bare inequities in PA’s public schools
On Monday, March 23, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced that school closures have been extended through April 6th in order to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. If the closures are not extended, school buildings would reopen on April...
Pennsylvania Department of Education Cancels PSSA, Keystone, and PASA Assessments for 2019-2020
The Pennsylvania Department of Education issued the following press release today: 03/19/2020 Pennsylvania Department of Education Cancels Statewide Assessments Harrisburg, PA - The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced today the cancellation of...
Stay Up-To-Date: Education in PA and the COVID-19 Pandemic
We are a few days into the closure of Pennsylvania’s public schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As parents are home with our own children, many of us are gaining an even deeper appreciation for the hard and important work that teachers do every day, often with...
All PA Public Schools to Close for Two Weeks
On Friday, March 13, Governor Wolf announced that all public K-12 Pennsylvania schools and school district run pre-k programs will be closed for the next two weeks. Schools will not be required to make up the ten missed school days and no district will be penalized if...
THIS is charter school “transparency”
This is charter school “transparency.”
Take action now to support charter school reform in PA!
We have helped build a movement to fix Pennsylvania's worst charter school law in the nation in every corner of the commonwealth. Now it is time to take this movement to Harrisburg! Please click HERE and sign a letter to your state representative and senator...
What Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal means for your schools.
Yesterday, Governor Wolf gave his budget address and outlined his priorities for 2020-2021. His budget proposal is welcome and reflects Governor Wolf’s continued support for public education. It also reflects the cold, hard reality that the Republican-controlled...
Education Voters of PA : Governor Wolf’s budget proposal to increase state funding for public education and rightsize tuition payments to charters is worthy of support
For Immediate Release February 2, 2020 Education Voters of PA Media contacts: Susan Spicka ...
An unprecedented and powerful statewide movement is building in PA.
We are seeing an unprecedented and powerful movement to reform Pennsylvania’s charter school law.
We just paid a cyber charter school $250.00
On Christmas Eve we mailed a check for $250.00 to Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), one of Pennsylvania’s largest cyber charter schools. We filed a Right to Know request in September to learn how much taxpayer money CCA spent on advertising during a three-year...
Thank Governor Wolf for working to fix the worst charter school law in the nation!
As we head into Thanksgiving weekend, at Education Voters of PA we are thankful for you—the parents and community members who support public education, stay informed, and take action when it is needed. You make a difference and help achieve important wins for public...
PA School Voucher Vote Scheduled for Monday, November 18
State Representative Mike Turzai, Betsy DeVos’ ideological soul mate, recently introduced a school voucher bill (House Bill 1800) that would create a costly school voucher experiment in the Harrisburg School District, just when the district is beginning to...
In Pennsylvania, property taxes pay for cyber charter school “trade secrets”
On Tuesday, October 22nd, the PA Senate Education Committee held a public hearing on charter school entities. The CEOs of charter and cyber charter schools were invited to testify along with representatives from the School District of Philadelphia, the...
Education Voters of PA testimony for the Pennsylvania Senate Education Committee Public Hearing on Charter School Entities
Susan Spicka, Executive Director, Education Voters of PA, delivered this testimony to the PA Senate Education Committee on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. Thank you very much for inviting me to testify today. I am Susan Spicka, the executive director of Education Voters of...
Betsy DeVos and Mike Turzai meet up in Harrisburg
Yesterday, Betsy DeVos visited a Catholic school in Harrisburg to promote her proposed federal school voucher program that would funnel $5 billion in taxpayer money into private and religious schools. PA House Speaker Mike Turzai, DeVos’s ideological soul mate, joined...