Stay Up-To-Date: Education in PA and the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are a few days into the closure of Pennsylvania’s public schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As parents are home with our own children, many of us are gaining an even deeper appreciation for the hard and important work that teachers do every day, often with...

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All PA Public Schools to Close for Two Weeks

On Friday, March 13, Governor Wolf announced that all public K-12 Pennsylvania schools and school district run pre-k programs will be closed for the next two weeks. Schools will not be required to make up the ten missed school days and no district will be penalized if...

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Take action now to support charter school reform in PA!

We have helped build a movement to fix Pennsylvania's worst charter school law in the nation in every corner of the commonwealth. Now it is time to take this movement to Harrisburg! Please click HERE and sign a letter to your state representative and senator...

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What Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal means for your schools.

Yesterday, Governor Wolf gave his budget address and outlined his priorities for 2020-2021. His budget proposal is welcome and reflects Governor Wolf’s continued support for public education. It also reflects the cold, hard reality that the Republican-controlled...

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We just paid a cyber charter school $250.00

On Christmas Eve we mailed a check for $250.00 to Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), one of Pennsylvania’s largest cyber charter schools. We filed a Right to Know request in September to learn how much taxpayer money CCA spent on advertising during a three-year...

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PA School Voucher Vote Scheduled for Monday, November 18

State Representative Mike Turzai, Betsy DeVos’ ideological soul mate, recently introduced a school voucher bill (House Bill 1800) that would create a costly school voucher experiment in the Harrisburg School District,  just when the district is beginning to...

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Betsy DeVos and Mike Turzai meet up in Harrisburg

Yesterday, Betsy DeVos visited a Catholic school in Harrisburg to promote her proposed federal school voucher program that would funnel $5 billion in taxpayer money into private and religious schools. PA House Speaker Mike Turzai, DeVos’s ideological soul mate, joined...

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