Taxpayer watchdogs or special interest lapdogs?

More than two months after passing a spending plan for the 2017-2018 budget, state lawmakers still have not approved a revenue package to fund the budget.  In less than a week, the budget standoff in Harrisburg will turn into a budget crisis for Pennsylvanians. On...

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Finally, good news for PA public school students

After more than a year of taking extensive input from public education stakeholders at 30 sessions throughout the state, the Pennsylvania Department of Education released PA’s plan to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the new federal education law...

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Our statement on the PA Budget Impasse

For Immediate Release August 21, 2017 Education Voters of PA Media contacts:  Susan Spicka Susan Spicka, Executive Director of Education Voters of PA, made the following statement at a joint press conference with the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center: For...

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PA Senate Budget: EITC increase out, severance tax in

Speaker Mike Turzai called the PA House to Harrisburg on Saturday, July 23 in the hopes of securing enough votes in his party to pass a revenue package to fund the 2017-2018 budget without new recurring revenues. He failed. After members of his own party rejected...

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Extremists ready to throw PA off fiscal cliff

More than three weeks into a state budget impasse, PA House Speaker Mike Turzai and his extremist followers have surfaced as the holdouts who are preventing the legislature from passing a responsible revenue package to fund the 2017-2018 state budget. This week Turzai...

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UPDATE: PA Budget and HB 97, the charter expansion bill

It’s going to be a busy weekend in Harrisburg. On Friday, June 30th, the PA legislature passed the spending half of the 2017-2018 state budget agreement and sent it to Governor Wolf. Lawmakers have until Monday, July 10th, to get the revenue half of the agreement to...

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PA Senate approves guns in classrooms, HB 97 on tap

By a vote of 28 to 22, the PA Senate approved SB 383, a bill that allows teachers and other school employees to carry concealed, loaded firearms in public schools. Click HERE to see how your senator voted.  Each school board will decide if it will allow teachers and...

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Can you spare 5 minutes on Monday?

Legislative leaders have begun holding closed-door meetings to hash out a 2017-2018 state budget. On Monday, June 19th, state lawmakers will return to Harrisburg, where they will have less than two weeks to pass a balanced budget by the June 30th deadline. The...

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The next 26 days

Decisions PA legislators make in the upcoming weeks will have a lasting impact on PA's public school students. From now until June 30th, when the state budget is due, lawmakers will be passing legislation and cutting deals as they determine how much state funding our...

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Trumpcare savages funding for students with disabilities

Yesterday 217 Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and the protections it offers to millions of Americans. In order to pay for tax cuts for households earning over $250,000/year, these Congressmen (including 9 from...

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Did your rep. support the charter school lobby’s wish list?

On Tuesday, April 25th, the PA House passed HB 97 by a vote of 108-84. Click HERE to learn if your state representative supported or opposed HB 97. Ten Republicans and 74 Democrats voted against the bill. If your lawmaker opposed HB 97, please take a minute to make a...

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