
Click HERE for tips on How to Call Your Legislator.
This Wednesday, January 21 is the first Call to Action for Education day of the new administration. It is the first day that our new governor and state lawmakers will all be seated.  We want to kick off this legislative session right and make sure the phones in the Capitol are ringing off the hook all day, with calls from voters throughout the Commonwealth!

Sign up here to get a reminder to call on January 21.

Join thousands of Pennsylvanians as we take 5-10 minutes on January 21st to call our legislators to send a message that Harrisburg’s top priority this year must be implementing a fair and adequate education funding formula for our public schools that provides all children with an opportunity to learn.

Did you know that just 10 calls in one day to one legislator can make a difference in what issues a legislator pays attention to? If you and just a few other people make a call, your elected officials are much more likely to take action on your priorities.

Mark your calendar today for Wednesday, January 21st – and plan to do 2 things in 10 minutes to make a difference!

1.    Call your State Senator and Representative (click HERE to find their phone numbers)

Ask them to:

• Enact an adequate and equitable funding formula

o One that provides every student with the opportunity to learn, to meet state standards, and to be self-sufficient adults, ready for college and the workforce.  This formula should take into account student factors such as number of students who live in poverty, who are English language learners, and who are homeless.

o It should also take into account district factors such as the sparsity/size of the district, local tax effort, local wealth, and the number of students attending charter schools. A formula must be based on real factors and the real costs of delivering services.

• Identify adequate, predictable, reliable resources to meet the Constitutional requirement to “provide a thorough and efficient system of public education” to meet the needs of the Commonwealth.

2.    If you have an extra few minutes, call Gov. Wolf’s office at (717) 787-2500 and thank him for his strong support for an adequate, equitable funding formula and for working to identify the revenue necessary to adequately fund this system.

Sign up here for a reminder to call.

Want to double your impact?  Ask a friend to make a call that day too and share our Facebook Event Page!

Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, January 21st to help ensure a bright future for Pennsylvania!

Thank you for your support of public education. Making a plan to call the state capitol to protect and support our children and their future is a great way to get involved and let our legislature know we are paying attention.