Not Another Bad Budget – we can’t take it!

Right now, in Harrisburg, the General Assembly is proposing another Bad Budget. What is a Bad Budget?  It is one that doesn’t restore funding for education and start to get us on a course to make substantial investments in public education. It is one that says “we can’t afford it” because the legislature won’t take steps to find appropriate revenues (shale tax, close corporate loopholes – hello!). The other reason this budget is bad is because it is not a bi-partisan effort to solve problems; it is a partisan play. We need the legislature to work with the Governor.

We need you to CALL and email your elected officials TODAY!

The points you want to make are simple:

  • This General Assembly partisan budget proposal is a bad deal and you are tired of bad budgets.
  • They need to stay in Harrisburg and work with the Governor on a bi-partisan budget that provides at least $400M for schools, restoring the 2010 cuts and adopting the new formula.
  • Oppose bad “reform” legislation that will hurt our communities (SB6 and HB530, FYI). We need legislation that supports students and educators, not legislation that strips them of resources and capacity.