State lawmakers must take steps to end PA’s school funding crisis this year. Lawmakers are negotiating a budget in Harrisburg right now and need to hear from you.

Click HERE for your lawmakers’ contact information.

Call and email your state representative and state senator TODAY and tell them to support a new investment of $400 million in K-12 Basic Education Funding in the 2016-2017 budget. Lawmakers must put aside partisan politics, find appropriate new revenues to fund public education and close the structural deficit, and stop pushing the responsibility of funding schools to the local level. 

Years of inadequate state funding have forced school districts throughout the Commonwealth, rural, urban and suburban alike, to increase class sizes; cut music, art, and extra-curricular activities; eliminate counselors and nurses; and make deep cuts in programs and services.

These cuts are hurting our children, who only get one opportunity to receive the education that they will need to be successful students in school today and productive citizens in the Commonwealth tomorrow.

Click HERE to contact your state lawmakers today.

Tell your state lawmakers to take steps to end PA’s school funding crisis this year. Our children cannot afford for them to continue to neglect this crisis.