We are hearing chatter in Harrisburg that some lawmakers on the Senate Education Committee are itching to vote on Senate Bill 2, the education savings account voucher bill, sometime before they go on break in May.

Pennsylvanians who support public education have sent thousands of emails and letters to lawmakers opposing ESA voucher legislation. Now it is time to step up our efforts.

On Monday, April 16, we will be joining together with the Pennsylvanians Opposed to Vouchers coalition to flood lawmakers’ offices with phone calls. We will also host a Twitter storm from 12:00-1:00 pm. We will use the hashtag #NoVouchersinPA and invite you to Tweet and retweet along with our coalition.

What can you do now?

  1. Click HERE to find your state senator’s contact information. Put his/her number in your cell phone contacts so that it will be easy to call on Monday.
  2. If you have a Twitter account, click HERE to follow Education Voters of PA. We will be leading the Twitter storm on Monday from 12:00-1:00 pm.
  3. Share this Facebook event with your networks to double/triple/quadruple your impact by inviting your friends to join this action and get a reminder on Monday to make a quick call.
  4. If you haven’t sent a letter to your state lawmaker yet, click HERE and send one now!

Anti-public education lawmakers are going to extreme lengths to move Senate Bill 2 out of committee. Republican leadership rigged the makeup of the Senate Education Committeeone member sent out inaccurate information about the bill, and now some lawmakers are hoping that a vote on Senate Bill 2 will fly under the radar.

Please plan to spend a few minutes on Monday calling your state senator (and Tweeting if you are on Twitter) to send a message that you you are paying attention and that you expect state lawmakers to support public education, not a school privatization scheme that will funnel hundreds of millions of dollars out of public schools.

For more on Senate Bill 2, click HERE to listen to podcast that we recorded with the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center.