School safety has been a hotly-debated topic in Harrisburg in recent weeks with the House and Senate Education Committees holding hearings on how best to protect students and education workers. Families and students were not permitted to testify at either hearing. Some members of the PA House did, however, enjoy a good chuckle as they joked about watching students practice defending  themselves against an armed intruder by throwing stones.

Governor Tom Wolf and Auditor General Eugene DePasquale have also formed a school safety task force, which is making a serious effort to bring together government officials, law enforcement, community members, school officials, teachers, parents and students to discuss school safety issues at regional meetings throughout PA.

In an effort to ensure that the voices of as many families as possible will be heard in Harrisburg, Education Voters is teaming up with the Pennsylvania PTA to conduct a school safety survey.   We will share the results of the survey with the governor’s school safety task force to ensure that your priorities will be part of these critical discussions.

Click HERE to complete the Pennsylvania PTA/Education Voters of PA School Safety Survey.

Lawmakers have introduced more than 20 pieces of legislation related to school safety and we expect that they will make decisions about funding and policies that could have a significant impact on our children’s schools.

We can’t afford for Harrisburg to make these decisions without listening to the families of K-12 students.

Click HERE for a link to the survey that you can share with your networks on Facebook.

This survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete and will let you share your opinions on issues such as arming teachers, mandating armed security guards in schools, increasing school counselors and nurses, and, importantly, how increased security measures should be funded.