We have helped build a movement to fix Pennsylvania’s worst charter school law in the nation in every corner of the commonwealth.
Now it is time to take this movement to Harrisburg!
Please click HERE and sign a letter to your state representative and senator calling on them to support charter school reform.
Ed Voters’ volunteers will hand deliver each constituent letter to state lawmakers’ offices in mid-March. Make sure yours is included!
We will need to deliver thousands of letters to send a strong message that Pennsylvanians expect lawmakers to take action this legislative session.
After you sign, there are more ways you can help:
1. Share the letter on Facebook with your network and ask your friends to sign it.
2. Email or text the link to the letter to your friends and ask them to sign it.
3. Collect signatures on paper and email or snail mail copies of the signatures to us and we will deliver them to the correct lawmakers. Email edvoters@educationvoterspa.org and we will send you everything you need, including this letter and a sheet supporters can sign.
The charter industry is putting enormous amounts of money behind killing charter school legislation that will increase accountability and rein in the excess funding charters receive.
We don’t need millions of dollars to win this fight, but we do need to show state lawmakers that their constituents want them to support charter school reform.

Sign the letter that calls on lawmakers to:
- End overpayments to cyber charter schools.
- Apply state special education funding formula to charter schools to eliminate the profit that charters reap off of payments for students with disabilities.
- Prevent discriminatory enrollment, discipline and suspension practices in charters.
- Improve accountability for academic and financial performance.
- End nepotism, financial self-dealing and conflicts of interest among charter administrators, boards and related companies.
- Apply sunshine laws to charter foundations and management companies.
- Limit the power of the Charter Appeals Board to overturn the decisions of elected school boards.
Thank you for your continued support of public education.
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