Public education advocates can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that school privatization crusader Betsy DeVos will be going back to private life in January, where she can enjoy her yacht, vacation homes, and whatever other luxuries her Amway fortune can buy. A few state legislature races are still too close to call. Once we know all of the results, we will send out an email to update you on the legislative landscape in Harrisburg.

In the meantime, we’re very excited to invite you to learn more about Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit, which will go to trial in PA Commonwealth Court in the coming months. 

In 2014, the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia and Education Law Center- PA filed a lawsuit on behalf of individuals, school districts and organizations, making the complaint that the funding system in Pennsylvania is not only wrong, it violates the state Constitution.

Throughout Pennsylvania, our schools have not received adequate and equitable funding to meet our children’s educational needs.  But our Constitution says, “The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of the Commonwealth.”

The state government is breaking its own law, underfunding our schools by billions of dollars, and our kids are suffering.

Public education advocates have a critical role to play in demanding action and then holding state lawmakers accountable for ensuring that all schools receive adequate and equitable funding to meet our children’s educational needs.

We MUST raise awareness of the school funding problem in our communities and demand action from every branch of government.

Join attorneys from the Public Interest Law Center and Education Law Center for an overview of the Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit during the PA Schools Work Lunch and Learn webinar on Tuesday, November 17 at 12:00 pm.

Click HERE to register for the webinar Tuesday, November 17 at 12:00 pm.

Attorneys will be offering an additional webinar tailored to residents of the plaintiff districts on Thursday, November 19th at 7:00 pm. The plaintiff districts are: The School District of Lancaster, Johnstown Area, Wilkes-Barre Area, William Penn, Panther Valley and Shenandoah Valley.

The November 19 webinar is open to all and will provide general information about the lawsuit, as well as specific information about the six plaintiff districts. It will be an opportunity for members of plaintiff district communities to hear directly from attorneys in the case about opportunities to support the lawsuit in their communities.

Click Here to register for the Thursday, November 19 webinar at 7:00 pm highlighting plaintiff school districts.

If you live in a plaintiff district and cannot attend the webinar but would like to learn more, please email and to be put directly in touch with attorneys.

PS: To learn more about the school funding lawsuit and about how badly your school district is underfunded, visit