June 21, 2021

Media Contact: Susan Spicka

Eight Out of Ten Pennsylvanians Favor Ending Horse Racing Subsidies, Large majority supports redirecting funds to college scholarships

Harrisburg, PA —The vast majority of Pennsylvanians would prefer to redirect casino tax subsidies from horse racing to other public purposes according to the June 2021 Franklin and Marshall Poll. Only 10% of voters favor continued support for the horse racing industry, while 83% would redirect the $240 million annual expenditure.

Pennsylvania allocates up to 12% of slots tax funding to the Race Horse Development Fund, which pays for purses, breeder incentives, drug testing and enforcement activities. Since 2004, the fund has directed almost $3.3 billion to underwrite racing activities at the state’s six casino-based tracks.

Public awareness of this subsidy program is minimal, with only 7% of respondents reporting some or a fair amount of knowledge of the fund. Seventy-one percent of respondents reported not hearing about the subsidy program at all.

“There is clearly little appetite for taxpayer-funded horse racing,” said Susan Spicka, Executive Director of Education Voters of Pennsylvania. “With so many other more pressing needs it’s hard to justify continuing this program.”

There was strong support for redirecting funds among all demographic groups. Among Republicans, 4 out 5 respondents favored the change (81%) compared to almost 9 out of 10 Democrats (87%). Support for the change was strong across the ideological spectrum, with three-quarters of self-identified conservatives (76%), 89% of liberals and 90% of moderates willing to end subsidies.

Pennsylvania has among the largest public subsidy program in the nation, second only to New York. While public interest in gaming has grown with the expansion of table games, internet, and sports betting, interest in horseracing is in steep decline.  Attendance at racing events, the dollars bet, and number of horses bred are all down, despite the large investment of tax dollars.

The sport is mired in controversy, with the indictment of dozens of trainers for use of illegal substances in 2020 and the potential disqualification of Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit due to positive tests for banned substances. In the wake of the Derby scandal, a raid by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture at the Parx Casino Racetrack found syringes and other contraband in cars and stalls and led to the disqualification of number horses in subsequent races and the suspension of a trainer with ties to State Racing Commission member Sal DeBunda.

The poll showed widespread support for Governor Wolf’s proposal to use $200 million from the Fund for scholarships for 44,000 students attending Pennsylvania state system colleges and universities – with 82% in favor and 14% opposed.

Support for the scholarships crossed political lines, with 73% of Republicans supporting this use and only 22% opposed. Among conservatives, 71% indicated support and 24% opposition. Support was high among Democrats (90%) and self-identified Independents (84%).

“Pennsylvania has the opportunity to make college more affordable to its young people who will become the next generation of teachers and nurses without raising taxes,” said Spicka. “Rather than padding the pockets of wealthy breeders and horse owners, lawmakers can relieve the stress of college payments on parents and students and support our economy.”

Racing also takes a large toll on the horses who are injured or die on the track. Over the last ten years more than 1400 horses have died at Pennsylvania’s racetracks.

Among those polled who supported public funding for racing almost half, 45%, indicated that learning about horse deaths would make them less likely to support the program.

The Franklin and Marshall College poll was conducted from June 7-13. It sampled 444 voters, including 205 Democrats, 177 Republicans and 62 Independents and has a margin of error of 6.4%.

You can find the poll results here, crosstabs here, and the full poll here.

For information about the Franklin and Marshall College Poll contact Berwood Yost

To learn more about the Race Horse Development Fund visit

Education Voters of PA is a statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan policy and advocacy organization that supports quality public education in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
