The Wolf Administration, under authority granted in law, is promulgating regulations to clarify elements in Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law to improve accountability, equity, quality, and transparency.

And we need your help NOW to demonstrate public support for more accountability and transparency in the charter industry so that these regulations will be approved and enacted!

Of course, Pennsylvania’s charter industry is doing everything it can to squash the proposed regulations so that publicly-funded, privately-operated charter schools will continue to operate in Pennsylvania with minimal financial accountability and maximum control over who is admitted to charter schools.

Please click HERE to send a letter or support for the regulations to Secretary of Education Noe Ortega.

Every comment that is submitted will be tallied by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and taken into account when they make a decision to approve or not approve these regulations. Comments must be received by Monday, October 18. So please take action now.

These are commonsense regulations that include:

  • Requiring charter schools to follow generally accepted standards of fiscal management and audit requirements.
  • Requiring the trustees of charter schools to be held to basic ethical standards and to disclose and abstain from any conflicts of interest.
  • Requiring charter schools to post their admissions policies to help curb discriminatory enrollment practices and ensure that all students have equal access to charter school education.
  • Requiring a rigorous and standardized charter application process.
  • Requiring charters to provide their teachers with heath insurance that is the equivalent of what their district schools provide teachers.

Please send a letter in support of these regulations today.

Here is a link to the action on Facebook that you that you can share with your networks.

Thank you for your continued support of public education.

If you already sent in your own comment, thank you ????!! We need both thoughtful comments and lots of comments. This click and send letter will help us generate a lot of comments to help balance form letters sent by the charter industry.