75 students : 1 toilet.

That’s the kindergarten student to toilet ratio in a public elementary school in Pennsylvania.    

Hard to imagine?

We will bring it to life for lawmakers, in the shadow of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court trial testing the constitutionality of public education funding happening now just blocks from the Capitol building in Harrisburg.    

Will you join us on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg as we tell PA lawmakers that educators, parents, taxpayers — and especially students, can’t hold it much longer.

Click HERE to sign up to be one of 75 volunteers who will be part of this action.

You will need to join us on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg at 11:30 am on Tuesday, December 14th, so we will be ready to begin at noon. Each volunteer will be given a snippet of testimony from the trial to read and will will show lawmakers what a 75:1 ratio looks like.

The time is now for equitable and adequate funding for PA public schools.

Can’t come to Harrisburg but want to demonstrate support for the school funding lawsuit? Please sign this resolution in support of the lawsuit and share it with your networks!