Advocates throughout the commonwealth have attended meetings of school boards, municipal governments, and other organizations to ask them to pass a resolution in support of Pennsyvlania’s school funding lawsuit.

They have raised awareness in their communities of Harrisburg lawmakers’ failure to provide for a constitutional system of education funding and they have helped to inform thousands of people about the urgent need for Harrisburg to fund our schools.

We will be delivering a copy of this document to lawmakers’ office on March 24. If you know of a school board or organization that has passed a resolution that is not listed below, please let us know at and we will add it!

And-if you want to ask your school board or another organization to pass a resolution, it’s not too late! The trial is over, but it will be months before the judge issues a decision. We will continue to add to this list when new resolutions are passed.

Find more information about proposing a resolution here.

Join us in Harrisburg for an advocacy day on Tuesday, May 24th!

We are heading to Harrisburg to show state lawmakers that their constituents expect them to support Governor Wolf’s full funding proposal for education.

We will have a home base in the Capitol with materials, snacks, and support for advocates. We will prep you for your meetings and make sure that you have everything you need for a successful day of advocacy.

Click HERE to let us know that you’re interested in joining us (and bring a friend or two). Sandra will set up meetings for you with your state lawmakers (or staff) and answer any questions you have.

Can’t come to Harrisburg?

Click HERE to send your state lawmakers a letter asking them to support Governor Wolf’s full education funding proposal.