Estimates show that Pennsylvania will have an accumulated surplus and unspent funds available of more than $12 billion by the end of June, thanks to a strong economy and higher-than expected tax collections combined with unspent federal dollars.

Wealthy special interests are spending *unimaginable* amounts of money hiring lobbyists in an effort to get their hands on these tax dollars.

We don’t have millions for lobbyists, but we do have parents and community members in every corner of the commonwealth who care about our local public schools. We need to speak up and DEMAND that state lawmakers FUND OUR SCHOOLS this year.

On May 24th we are going to send Harrisburg a message! A lot of organizations will be bringing advocates to Harrisburg for legislative visits. We will make our presence known in the Capitol.

Advocates who will not be in Harrisburg have a HUGE and important role to play.

Please plan to set aside 15 minutes on Tuesday, May 24th to help get Governor Wolf’s education funding proposal for $1.75 billion in new funding for our local public schools across the finish line without any cuts. Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Get ready to make two phone calls on Tuesday.

2. Send a quick letter to your lawmakers.

IN ADDITION to making a call to your state lawmakers, please click HERE to send your lawmakers an email telling them to approve Governor Wolf’s full $1.75 billion proposed increase for public school funding. You can send the email anytime between now and Tuesday.

3. Make some noise on social media!

If you are on Twitter follow @EdVoters and @PASchoolsWork. Education advocates will be taking over the halls of the Capitol and we will be Tweeting all day. Tweet your own support for a $1.75 billion increase in funding for public schools or just retweet our accounts and always make sure to include #WeWorkforFunding.

Instead of investing in our children, some lawmakers want to hoard billions of dollars in surplus cash in Harrisburg or give it to special interests, while continuing to impose austerity on our public schools. They are happy to force property tax increases, cuts in programs and services for students, and yet another year of grossly inadequate resources in our schools.

We cannot let the legislature get away with an austerity budget for education when Harrisburg is flush with cash.

This is an all-hands-on-deck budget season and we look forward to everyone participating in our Day of Action for Education on Tuesday, May 24th so we can get Harrisburg to show us the money for public school students!