Join us in Harrisburg on Tuesday, November 14th, as we help prepare the Basic Education Funding Commission for its final report.

We will gather on the front Capitol steps (rain or shine) with our giant report card to tell Governor Shapiro and members of the Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) that their final report must include a clear and thorough calculation of how much each school district needs to meet the constitutional obligation to our students (known as adequacy targets) AND a reasonable timeline for the implementation of their plan.

Click HERE to sign up to join us in Harrisburg on Tuesday, November 14th at noon!

It has been eight months since Commonwealth Court declared that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional.

It has been seven months since Governor Shapiro stated during his budget address, “[The judge’s] remedy was for us to get around the table and come up with a solution that ensures every child has access to a thorough and efficient education.”

And it has been five months since the Basic Education Funding Commission, a group of six Republican lawmakers, six Democratic lawmakers, and three representatives from Governor Shapiro’s office, convened and began listening to testimony from educators and experts at meetings throughout the Commonwealth in preparation for a report that they will issue after the conclusion of their meetings in mid-November.

We have the best chance in a generation to fix Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional school funding system.

Join us in Harrisburg on November 14th to demonstrate powerful support for a constitutional school funding system that will ensure that ALL public school students in Pennsylvania have access to the comprehensive, effective, and contemporary public education they are guaranteed by the PA constitution.

Click HERE to sign up to join us in Harrisburg on Tuesday, November 14th at noon!

If you can’t make it to Harrisburg, don’t despair! We have a very meaningful activity that you can do from your home. Look for an email with more details about that next week.

Thank you for your continued support of public education.❤️

PPS: Here is the report card we will be using to grade the BEFC’s report!