As we head into Thanksgiving weekend, at Education Voters of PA we are thankful for you—the parents and community members who support public education, stay informed, and take action when it is needed. You make a difference and help achieve important wins for public school students in Pennsylvania.

We are also thankful that for the first time in two decades there is a real opportunity to fix Pennsylvania’s “worst charter school law in the nation”! With Governor Wolf’s leadership and bipartisan support building in the legislature, Pennsylvania could see real charter school reform in 2020.

Click HERE to thank Governor Wolf for working to fix the worst charter school law in the nation.

In recent months, Governor Wolf has championed commonsense charter school reforms that would

  • end the enormous profits charter schools reap from tuition payments for students with disabilities;
  • provide real cyber charter school tuition savings by matching cyber charter school tuition with the actual cost of educating a student at home on a computer, instead of the current system which wastes millions of taxpayer dollars each year; and
  • support equity in charter school enrollment and ensure stronger fiscal and academic accountability in the charter sector to protect taxpayers and students.

We want Governor Wolf to know that as he continues to stand up for commonsense charter school reform, he will have the support of Pennsylvanians in every corner of the Commonwealth.

Please click HERE to thank Governor Wolf for his leadership in reforming Pennsylvania’s charter school law.

We have a lot of work to do together to get charter school funding reform across the finish line in 2020. For now, let’s make sure Governor Wolf knows that parents and community members throughout Pennsylvania support his efforts.