This year Pennsylvania’s historic school funding lawsuit will go to trial.

Every child in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has the right to an education that prepares them for college or career. In fact, the Pennsylvania Constitution speaks to the right of a “thorough and efficient” education. 

But, throughout Pennsylvania, schools have not received adequate and equitable funding to meet our children’s educational needs.

As part of the ongoing work to ensure public school students in Pennsylvania have the resources they need to receive an education that prepares them for college and career, a lawsuit was filed by legal advocates on behalf of families and school districts.

Learn more about Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit

Public education advocates have an important role to play in raising awareness of the school funding problem in our communities and demonstrating public support for legal action.

How can you help?

Passing a resolution in support of Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit is one tool organizations have to expand awareness and demonstrate support for the lawsuit.

If you serve on (or know someone who serves on) a school board, a township, borough, or city council, a county board of supervisors, or on the board of a directors of a community or civic organization or a PTO/PTA/Home School Association, consider asking this organization to pass a resolution in support of the lawsuit.


Doing a little “pre-work” can help make a difference. Check in with people who are part of this organization and tell them you’d like them to consider passing the resolution in support of Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit.  Provide them with information about passing a resolution, a 1-pager about the school funding lawsuit, and a copy of the resolution.

Take the resolution (or ask someone who is on the board to) and introduce the resolution on the meeting agenda, requesting that the board consider passing the resolution.  

When someone introduces the resolution, they can refer to the language in the resolution as the reason why it should be passed (because individuals and communities are affected by the quality of education provided in a community). 

Once the resolution is passed, submit it to the individuals listed on the resolution information sheet and make sure to include Education Voters  so we can add your organization to the list of supporters and alert elected officials to the growing support. 

Click HERE for more information about passing a resolution in support of the school funding lawsuit and for a copy of the resolution.

Education Voters of PA will is working with individuals and organizations throughout the commonwealth and will record, count, and share all resolutions that have been passed.

If you have questions, please email

And if you’d like to add your name to the resolution as an individual Click HERE.

To learn more about Pennsylvania’s school funding lawsuit visit .


Information about passing a resolution

The resolution

One-pager about the school funding lawsuit