For a generation, Pennsylvania’s legislative leaders have refused to live up to their constitutional responsibility to fairly fund public schools so that all students, not just those from certain zip codes, are equipped with the tools and skills they need.

A group of school districts, parents, and organizations from across the Commonwealth have been challenging the Pennsylvania General Assembly in court since 2014 for creating a school funding system where the students who need the most, get the least, because of where they live. And now, the case to #FundOurSchoolsPA is moving closer to trial.

Following a new order from Commonwealth Court, students are on track to have their day in court this September.

Today, Friday, April 2nd, Parents, teachers, school leaders, and attorneys from Education Law Center-PA the Public Interest Law Center held a virtual press conference, where they shared what this trial could mean for our students and the future of our Commonwealth.

Click HERE to read what they had to say.

And–if you’d like to learn more about the school funding lawsuit, please click HERE to sign up for a webinar on Monday, April 19th at 7:00 pm to learn about the case directly from attorneys with the Education Law Center and Public Interest Law Center.

Every day that legislative leaders fail to act to ensure full and fair school funding is a day that students are deprived of basic resources, and our children who need the most continue to get the least. I cannot overemphasize how crucial this lawsuit to break the logjam in Harrisburg is for the future of Pennsylvania. In the upcoming weeks and months I hope you will join us in raising our voices together to amplify the students, parents, school workers across Pennsylvania who have said enough is enough.