We don’t ask for money enough. There—I said it.

Education Voters is a go-to resource for information, for advocacy, and for following what is happening in Harrisburg. And we have been a leading force in Pennsylvania’s education advocacy and policy community. We helped put together the campaign and strategy for a fair funding formula. We have led on challenging poor charter school policy. We have fought to restore devastating education cuts. And, we are a leading voice in opposition to ill-conceived school privatization proposals that would undermine public education in Pennsylvania. Our reports are regularly cited in the news and by experts. Policymakers trust us as a resource for information.

And — we forget to ask you to chip in. Or we are working on other things and think I’ll get back to that when it isn’t so busy. It is always busy.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Right now, we are headed into an incredibly busy stretch.

Here is my to-do list. I am sharing this with you, along with my request for your support.

Would you be willing to make a contribution to help, please? I’d really appreciate it! You can give a general contribution or support one of the projects we are working on.

* Your contribution will show up on your card or payment account as “Keystone Research Center” which is the fiscal sponsor for Education Voters.