Take Action to Support Philadelphia’s public school students!
Without sufficient funding, our schools can’t provide the basic programs and services that our children need to have an opportunity to learn. The state budget continues to be inadequate and unfair; however we must also do more at the City level to find additional resources for schools.

There is one thing that can happen NOW: City Council has the power to approve $120 Million in recurring funding– and they need to act. Please call your City Council member and every At-Large member and tell them you want them to pass the 1% sales tax extension for schools, AND allocate an additional $75-100 million in local funding to start getting our schools back on track.

Call members of City Council now!
• Tell them to support the 1% sales tax extension as recurring funding for schools and to identify and allocate an additional $75-100 million to get to an adequate level of local support – we need the money this year and we need it in the future too! (If they tell you they have taken steps over the past couple of years, thank them for taking action, but tell them we still aren’t where we need to be. We must increase the City and state level of support.)
• Tell them that as a voter/taxpayer/parent you want to know what they will do to make sure our schools are getting what they need so we can keep children safe and give them a decent future.

VISIT CITY HALL on Thursday, MAY 15th!
Can you make it to City Hall?  If you can, please join other parents and community supporters by going to City Hall to stop by Council member offices to ask them to take immediate action to support schools.  Come to City Hall & meet in the 4th floor Council corridor at 9 am and 1 pm.  There will be a press conference at 9:30 am, calling on City Council to take a vote on the sales tax extension.

Attend and Speak at City Council Public Hearings about the Budget

General topics (not just schools).  Very important to have people turn out to speak up for schools!
• Wednesday, April 30th from 6 to 8 p.m. at the West Oak Lane Charter School on 7115 Stenton Avenue.
• Tuesday, May 13th from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Lutheran Theological Seminary on 7301 Germantown Avenue.

Public hearings specifically on the proposed budget for the Philadelphia School District:
• Wednesday, May 7th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 400 of City Hall.
• Additionally, the School District of Philadelphia staff will present testimony to City Council on Monday, May 5th at 10 am.  Although not a public testimony opportunity, it is a public hearing and having parents and community people attending will help send a message of support.
Call 215-686-3407 to sign up to testify, email Budget.Hearings@Phila.gov or visit the Budget Center website for more information.

To sign up for these activities, http://bit.ly/PhlEdActionMay”>visit:  http://bit.ly/PhlEdActionMay

Stay informed and involved!  Please http://bit.ly/195forphled”>SIGN THIS ONLINE PETITIONhttp://bit.ly/195forphled