After more than three months, witness testimony in the Pennsylvania school funding trial concluded on Tuesday, February 22. Closing arguments will take place on Thursday, March 10th and then the judge will spend months reviewing testimony and evidence before issuing her decision in the case.

We invite you to join us in shining a light on education justice in a statewide action on Tuesday, March 15th to mark the end of this historic trial and rededicate ourselves to the fair funding fight.




Spotlight on Education Justice: A Vigil for Fair Funding. This is a statewide action that will take place in living rooms and public spaces throughout the commonwealth.


Anytime on Tuesday, March 15th



Your participation can be as simple as taking a moment in your living room to mark the end of this historic trial and rededicate yourself to the education justice movement. Snap a photo with a flier that we will mail to you and post it on social media or email it to us.

You can gather a group on Zoom or in your yard. Or you can organize a bigger event in your community–you choose the time and the format.

We will support your efforts with a toolkit of materials including a proclamation to read, printed fliers that we will mail you, a customized graphic for social media if you need it, and more.


It took a trial, but now we can really see how little some Pennsylvania lawmakers value public education. In court, lawyers for legislative leaders questioned whether it really mattered if kids on what they called “the McDonald’s career track” could reach state academic standards. They even said their only job was to provide desks and keep the lights on!

Make sure that your state lawmakers understand that their constituents support adequate, equitable and fair funding for ALL Pennsylvania public school students. Let them know that we expect them to provide substantial, sustained annual increases in education funding that are distributed to districts based on their need–starting this year.

Let our lights shine bright across the commonwealth because fair education funding isn’t about paying the electric bill, it’s about building brighter futures for our children

Next Steps

Click HERE if you are interested in participating in this statewide action (even if it will just be in your living room!) and we will send you flyers and other materials to make your participation easy!

Still have questions?

Visit for more information or email Susan Spicka at for more info!

Thank you for your support of public education. Let’s show state lawmakers that Pennsylvanians in every corner of the commonwealth support adequate, equitable and FAIR funding for all PA students.