This year we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take a huge step toward closing Pennsylvania’s $4.6 billion adequacy gap that harms children and puts at risk the future prosperity of the commonwealth.

  • The trial for Pennsylvania’s historic school funding lawsuit is coming to a close and all eyes are on school funding in Harrisburg and in every corner of the commonwealth.  
  • Governor Wolf has proposed a historic $1.75 billion increase in funding for public education.
  • The state is sitting on a $6 billion surplus and billions more in unspent cash.

Below, find a menu of different resources that we hope can be useful for in advocacy for the funding PA students need and deserve. Our team at Ed Voters is ready to support you every step of the way.

1.  Charter school reform fact sheets

Learn how much your district would save with charter school reform.

2. 2022-2023 Proposed Education Funding Map

This map allows you to hover over your district and see your increases in basic education funding, special education funding and overall funding increases based on Governor Wolf’s proposed budget.

3. Fund our Schools PA District Fact Sheet

Visit to see your school district’s adequacy gap based on a benchmark in state used to determine how much each district needs to spend in order to provide students with the teachers, supports and services they need to meet state academic standards. Learn about PA’s school funding lawsuit, too!

4. PA Schools Work Talking Points Memos

PA Schools Work is the coalition of organizations that are working together to achieve adequate and equityable funding for K-12 schools. Learn about school funding issues in bite-sized pieces with the PA Schools Work Talking Points Memos.

5. Sign-up for our email list to stay up to date on key issues!

If you have specific questions, please email and someone from our team will get back to you!