On Wednesday, April 26th, Ed Voters teamed with partners in the PA Schools Work campaign to host an unprecedented advocacy day in the Capitol. We are building a powerful statewide movement that brings together advocates from tiny rural districts to large urban school districts and everywhere in between.

More than 160 people from 30 school districts, representing 21 organizations came to Harrisburg. Advocates attended more than 40 visits with lawmakersheld a press conference and sent a strong message to lawmakers that we expect Harrisburg to make a substantial investment in funding for public schools in the 2023-2024 state budget as a down payment to meet the state’s constitutional obligation and put Pennsylvania back on the path toward ensuring that all students, no matter where they live, have the resources necessary to succeed.

If you could not make it to advocacy day, not worries! Click HERE To write a letter urging your state lawmakers to support a big down payment for public education funding to begin closing the state’s over $4 billion adequacy gap this year.

With a projected state operating surplus at the end of this fiscal year of more than $8 billion and another $5 billion in the Rainy Day Fund, there is no reason for our state government to continue depriving another generation of students of the quality of education that they deserve, and that the constitution demands.

​Watch coverage of our press event below.

Our work is not done!

Budget negotiations are going to heat up as the House and Senate put forward their priorities. From now until the end of June when the final budget is approved, we will need to keep up the heat on lawmakers to support the school funding students need and deserve. Please stay tuned!