Support an opportunity for all kids in PA to learn!

Because of you, Pennsylvanians made sure education was a priority issue for voters in the 2014 gubernatorial election and we welcomed a new governor in 2015 who supports public education. Thanks to your advocacy, the legislature created the Basic Education Funding Commission, and a real proposal with bi-partisan support to more fairly fund education is on the table. Governor Wolf and state lawmakers seem to have agreement on a key piece ofthe proposed state budget – a record investment of $350 million in new BasicEducation Funding and $50 million in new special education funding this year, targeted at both restoring funding cuts and enacting the new formula.

The work we do together is powerful and we are moving PA in the right direction on better policy.  But there is still a lot to do, and Harrisburg won’t do it without us.  

On Tuesday, December 1, Education Voters of PA will be participating in Giving Tuesday, the kick-off day for charitable contributions for the holiday season, and I hope that Education Voters is at the top of your list. 

Will you set a reminder for that day and join us this year to help make sure the demand for good education policy and fair funding is clear and strong? Help us reach more communities, train more citizen leaders, keep the heat on more policymakers and by doing so… make sure that all our children are getting the education they deserve.  

Our goal is to add 250 new donors this year. With your support, we can reach people in every county in Pennsylvania. Your contribution ensures that we will be involved in critical debates in Harrisburg about what matters for public schools: a fair funding formula; adequate state investments and special education funding; early education opportunities; charter school reform that makes sense for all students; and strengthening and supporting principal leadership and teacher development.

Will you help us meet our goal and be one of the 250 new donors who will help ensure that funding education is top priority in PA

We are headed in the right direction in PennsylvaniaHowever, we need your help to make sure that we have the necessary resources to ensure that the issues of fair and adequate education funding and an opportunity to learn for all students are central to policy and budget discussions in Harrisburg. 

Thank you for your support,

Susan Gobreski, Executive Director, Education Voters of PA

PS: If you’d like to make a donation, you don’t have to wait until Tuesday, you can donate HERE today!