we want to hear from you post banner
Over the past months, we have asked you to make your voices heard regarding the Pennsylvania budget and the importance of adequate, fair state funding for public schools.

Now, we would like you to tell us how we can best support your interest in public education issues and your vision for public schools:

Which issues matter the most to you? What kinds of schools do you believe Pennsylvania’s children need and deserve? How can we better support your efforts?


Issues Survey banner


At Education Voters, we want to make sure we are providing you with the tools you need understand and act on issues that matter to you, and we want to share your vision for our children’s schools with a wider audience. Your advice will enable us to make sure that we are being effective and help us promote public education and great public schools for all children throughout the Commonwealth.

Please take 5 minutes to take our survey.

Thank you again for your advocacy efforts, which have and continue to keep pressure on lawmakers to pass a responsible budget that will fund schools.

Your opinion matters to us!