9/29/2021 UPDATE on HB 1254

The Sonney amendment to House Bill 1254, A02375, was defeated on 9/28/2021, by a vote of 92-105. This amendment fleshed out details of the proposed voucher program.

BUT–House Republicans filed a motion to reconsider the amendment, so the vote on this legislation is going to hang out there. It will be a constant, looming threat that the PA House could take up at any moment. We will continue to follow this legislation and keep you informed.

If you have a lawmaker who voted against this amendment, it would be good to give them a quick call to thank them.

Pennsylvania Republicans are using the pandemic as an excuse to push a school privatization agenda that would put school districts in an impossible situation–deciding whether to keep kids safe or keep their state funding.

On Thursday, September 22, the House Education Committee passed House Bill 1254 by a vote of 14-11. All Democrats and one Republican on the committee opposed the legislation.

HB 1254 would require school districts to offer a tuition voucher to resident students if they don’t offer a full-time in-person educational option to students–for example, if a school district has to close a school *for a single day* to mitigate the spread of COVID.

The bill requires a student receiving a voucher under the proposal to continue to be eligible for the voucher even if the school district reestablishes in-person instruction

The bill would, quite literally, cost school districts millions of dollars just because they follow medical and scientific health guidance to protect students, school staff, and their families from COVID-19.

Ed Voters joined together with organizations in sending a letter to state lawmakers urging them to oppose HB 1254.

Click HERE to read our joint letter.

HB 1254 is on the House Voting Schedule and is scheduled for second consideration on Monday, September 27th. It could be considered by the full House on final passage on Tuesday or Wednesday. We expect the bill to be amended and it may change substantially. Please keep an eye out for an email with updates early next week.

In the meantime, please find your state representative here. Pick up the phone and give him/her a call urging a ‘no” vote on House Bill 1254 and any other legislation that would exploit the pandemic to further a school privatization scheme and strip critical resources from our kids’ local public schools.

It is fine to call lawmakers’ Harrisburg offices over the weekend and leave a message so that it is there when they walk into the office on Monday!