It was a busy day in Harrisburg.

The great news is that yesterday morning, on June 27th, the House Education Committee passed the fabulous House Bill 1422 by a vote along partisan lines of 12-9. This bill was years in the making and is the first substantial and good reform of cyber charters ever to make it out of committee. We are hoping to see a floor vote in the House later this week.

If you sent a letter to House Education Committee members–thank you!

In the afternoon we joined the PA Schools Work coalition and members of the labor community for a press conference calling on Governor Shapiro and PA lawmakers to reject “Lifeline Scholarships” and any voucher program that would give public dollars to private and religious schools.

This PA Schools Work Talking Points Memo about the voucher proposal is a MUST READ!!

If you have not yet contacted Governor Shapiro and your state lawmakers to urge them to oppose “Lifeline Scholarships,” please click HERE to send an email.  If you have a few extra minutes, give Governor Shapiro’s office a call at  717-787-2500.

A lot is going to happen over the next few days, so stay tuned. We will keep you updated and let you know how you can engage to help ensure the best budget for public school students possible.

The Ed Voters team in Harrisburg!

The cyber charter industry held perhaps the saddest press conference I’ve ever witnessed in Harrisburg.

Proud to join together with PA Schools work partners and labor to call on Gov. Shapiro and the PA legislature to reject vouchers and instead fund our public schools.