We spent Tuesday in the Harrisburg Capitol talking to a lot of people about what we learned from Right to Know requests for cyber charter school expenditures on advertising and parties.

Click HERE for a summary of what we learned.

Common responses were disbelief and disgust.

If you, too, feel disgusted that state lawmakers are doing nothing to stop this waste and abuse of your property taxes, you can do something to make a difference today!

  1. Contact your lawmakers. Click HERE to send a quick letter to your lawmakers to tell them reform PA’s charter school law to align payments to cyber charters with their actual costs.
  2. Help inform your community about this issue. Find your school district fact sheet HERE. If you would like us to mail you copies of the fact sheet and 2-pager about cyber advertising waste, click HERE to let us know how many we should drop in the mail.
  3. Engage your network. Share this post on Facebook to help inform your friends.

Take action or expect the waste and abuse to continue.

Over the next few weeks, state lawmakers will be negotiating the 2023-2024 state budget. IF state lawmakers do not hear from outraged constituents, they will continue to protect cyber charter profits at the expense of our children and our communities.

Take one action today to help make a difference. Our school property taxes should be invested in educating children, not wasted on ballpark parties, Turnpike billboards, and high-end hoodies.