The legislature is considering VOUCHERS. Again.

Every few years, a few people in the legislature try to bring back the idea of vouchers, which give public dollars to pay tuition for private/religious schools. HB 2169 is the latest attempt to establish an education voucher program in the Commonwealth. It was voted...

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Shining a Light on Education Justice!

Shining a Light on Education Justice!

On Tuesday, March 15th, Pennsylvanians showed up to mark the close of the education funding lawsuit and to speak up for the school funding that Pennsylvania's students need and deserve. The education justice movement in Pennsylvania continues to grow and gain...

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UPDATE on Jerold the Bookworm & cyber charter waste

Just after Thanksgiving, we spotted an image on social media of Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) students marching in the 6abc Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving parade in Philadelphia with a Gerald the Bookworm parade balloon.  CCA appears in the parade at 1:12:38 in...

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Advisory Committe Member Spotlight : Dani Gross

A few weeks ago I sat down over zoom with Dani Gross—a member of Ed Voters' advisory committee, public education advocate, and parent who lives in the West Shore School District—to learn more about her advocacy strategies, how she works with her school board, and her...

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Why we brought a toilet to the steps of the PA Capitol

We started with a question: How can we help people understand what students experience in the commonwealth’s most underfunded schools? Our answer: Bring an old toilet to the steps of the PA Capitol! Why? With the trial in Commonwealth Court challenging the state’s...

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How much did this cyber charter spend on a parade balloon?

When Commonwealth Charter Academy marched in the 6abc Dunkin Thanksgiving Parade in Philadelphia this year, they did not show up with a homemade float on a tractor trailer bed. Instead, they walked with this Jerold the Bookworm Macy's-Parade quality ballon. Since CCA...

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Five ways to support PA’s school funding lawsuit

Students learning in a cinder block supply closet with no ventilation. Two reading specialists for 1200 students. Seventy-five kindergartners and one toilet. One guidance counselor for 400 students. These are just a few bits of testimony from school leaders who have...

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75:1 We can’t hold it much longer!

75 students : 1 toilet. That's the kindergarten student to toilet ratio in a public elementary school in Pennsylvania.     Hard to imagine? We will bring it to life for lawmakers, in the shadow of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court trial testing the...

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