Ask me how cyber charters waste property taxes!

We spent Tuesday in the Harrisburg Capitol talking to a lot of people about what we learned from Right to Know requests for cyber charter school expenditures on advertising and parties. Click HERE for a summary of what we learned. Common responses were disbelief and...

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Be an Ed Voters Public Education Champion!

We are delighted to announce our Education Voters Public Education Champion program opportunity for 2023-2024. This program was created for parents and community members who are interested in learning about school funding and policies that will support children and...

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What an Advocacy Day!!

On Wednesday, April 26th, Ed Voters teamed with partners in the PA Schools Work campaign to host an unprecedented advocacy day in the Capitol. We are building a powerful statewide movement that brings together advocates from tiny rural districts to large...

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Join us in Harrisburg for Advocacy Day on April 26th!

On Wednesday, April 26th, Ed Voters will team up with our partners in the PA Schools Work campaign to host an advocacy day in Harrisburg. Public education advocates from throughout the commonwealth will come together in Harrisburg for meetings with their lawmakers and...

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The verdict is in: Public school students WIN!!!

In a historic victory for students, on February 7, 2023, Commonwealth Court ruled that Pennsylvania's current school funding system is unconstitutional. The judge issued a clear directive: "All witnesses agree that every child can learn. It is now the obligation of...

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Learn all about school board elections in 2023!

Pennsylvanians who care about public education have a lot at stake in 2023. Voters will elect school board members in every school district except Philadelphia, which has a board that is appointed by the mayor. School board members have enormous power to shape the...

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THIS is the voucher conversation we need in Harrisburg.

Since 2001, Pennsylvania has spent more than $2 billion on school vouchers for private and religious schools through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) voucher programs. By any standards, $2 billion is a lot of...

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Taking a minute to celebrate our wins!

A wise friend reminded me that we need to celebrate our wins when we do this work because they are very hard to come by.  We are beyond proud of what we have all helped accomplish over the past twelve months and are very grateful for your support in helping...

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Stand up for PA students by supporting Ed Voters!

It has been a tremendous year for Ed Voters—and I could not be more thankful. With this year’s state budget, we won a historic increase in education funding, including the Level Up approach that accelerates funding to districts that need it most. We saw the...

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